on flight + hotel packages up to $1,499
on flight + hotel packages $1,500-$3,999
on flight + hotel packages $4,000-$6,999
on vacations of $7,000 or more
Promotional Code Offer Terms and Conditions
- Purchase any Delta Vacations flight and hotel package from any Delta Vacations origin in the U.S. or Canada to the Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, Central & South America, and the U.S., by 2025年2月28日, for travel through 2025年5月31日.
- At time of reservation, you must refer to promotional code SMEARN200.
- Offer is valid on reservations that include a minimum of one flight on Delta Air Lines®. Service may be operated by Delta Air Lines; the Delta Connection® carriers: Endeavor Air航空、共和航空,以及Skywest航空;达美快线承运商: Republic航空;天合联盟合作伙伴:墨西哥航空公司、西班牙欧洲航空公司、法国航空公司、中华航空公司、中国东方航空公司、意大利航空公司、肯尼亚航空公司、荷兰皇家航空公司、大韩航空公司、沙特阿拉伯航空公司、北欧航空公司(SAS)、上海航空公司、维珍大西洋航空公司和越南航空公司;或达美代码共享合作伙伴:墨西哥航空公司运营的航空公司、波罗的海航空、中国南方航空公司、沙伊以色列航空公司、夏威夷航空公司、法国航空Hop子公司、KLM Cityhopper、LATAM Airlines、泛航航空和西捷航空公司。Learn more about our Flight Partners.
- 酒店折扣基于任何达美假期目的地的每家参与活动的酒店的标准客房费率。
- 需至少入住酒店2晚。
- 无最低购买金额要求。购买的套餐为航班加酒店或航班、酒店加租车,以及任何自选活动。
- 折扣为1,499美元及以下的预订减25美元;1,500美元 - 3,999美元的预订减75美元;4,000美元 – 6,999美元的预订减125美元;7,000美元及以上的预订减200美元。
- 每次预订最多优惠200美元;折扣是基于每张符合条件的航班机票的百分比。
- 托运行李可能收取额外行李费,以及目的地酒店/度假村/机场收取的任何适用酒店/度假村费用或离境税。
- 必须通过达美度假服务部购买。
- 优惠仅适用于符合条件的乘客。免费登机的儿童不可享受折扣。
- 如果变更预订,将重新计算优惠。
- 优惠不适用于税费、费用和承运商收取的附加费。
- 优惠不适用于现有预订。
- 此次优惠不得退款,优惠无现金价值。如果符合条件的预订被取消,则优惠自动作废。
- 活动及有效性可能会发生变化。可在航班出发前331日内预订达美假期航班。
- 所有航空公司的机票均须由达美度假服务部出票。
- 标准条款及条件限制适用,并已在预订过程中予以概述;其他限制条件也可能适用。
- 达美度假服务部对这些规则拥有最终解释权,并保留在不预先通知的情况下对条款及条件限制作出更改的权利。
- 遵循所有“飞凡里程常客计划”的活动规则。To review the rules, please visit delta.com/memberguide. To review how SkyMiles members earn Medallion® Qualification Dollars (MQDs) on Delta Vacations packages starting 2024年1月01日, please visit delta.com/skymilesprogramchanges. To review rules for Delta Vacations miles redemption, please visit delta.com/us/en/delta-vacations/skymiles-member-experience/use-miles. Bonus miles do not count toward Medallion Status or Million Miler™ Status. 法律禁止的优惠无效。若优惠活动有所变更,恕不另行通知。可能受限于其他限制。
- Enter promotional code SMEARN200 in the Promo Code/eCertificate box on the Booking page.
- At time of reservation, you must refer to promotional code SMEARN200.
Earn Toward Medallion Status with Delta Vacations Terms and Conditions
- 对于每次完成的通过达美假期在线、达美度假专家或授权第三方机构预订的达美度假套票,“飞凡里程常客计划”会员在套票总价上每消费1美元(或1美元的等额外币)可赢取一(1)尊爵会资格美元消费(MQD)。“Total Package Price” means the total value of the package in USD or equivalent foreign currency spent on Eligible Flights, base hotel rental rate, base car rental rate, car transfer rate, cost of activities booked, but excluding taxes, fees, insurance, room service, other booking charges, amounts paid directly to the hotel, car or activity provider, or any element of the booking which is paid or reduced by vouchers or discount codes. “Eligible Flights” means Delta-marketed flights in Main Cabin or above (flight numbers that include the “DL” airline code), flights marketed by Core Global Airline Partners that have a Delta ticket number (ticket number beginning with “006”) and SkyTeam-marketed flights operated by a SkyTeam member airline that have a Delta ticket number (ticket number beginning with “006”), in each case which is booked through Delta Vacations direct via our Customer Engagement Center, or through an authorized travel advisor. 符合条件的航班明确排除所有并非由达美核心全球航空公司合作伙伴或天合联盟成员销售的航班。符合条件的租车预订包括采用除旅行社同业价或折扣、批售旅游套票价格或折扣、批售旅游套票价格、保险/经销商替换价格、公司和政府价格、团体旅行折扣以外价格计费,在合作租车点进行的一日或多日预订,或与飞行常客租车奖励相关的租车预订,或适用于相应汽车公司的其他公司协议相关的租车预订。
- “飞凡里程常客计划”会员将根据下列规定赢取尊爵会资格美元消费(MQD):
- 达美假期预订中列出的所有乘客都将根据下列规定,通过套票的航班部分赢取尊爵会资格美元消费(MQD):
- 航班选项#1:If the sum of all passengers’ Exception Fares is greater than or equal to the Total Package Price, then the number of flight MQDs earned by each passenger = (Total Package Price / total # of passengers on the booking itinerary)
- Flight Option #2: If the sum of all passengers’ Exception Fares is less than the Total Package Price, then the number of flight MQDs earned by each passenger = MQD’s for such passenger’s flight calculated using the Exception Fare policy.
- 达美假期预订中列出的所有乘客都将根据下列规定,通过套票的航班部分赢取尊爵会资格美元消费(MQD):
- In addition to the MQDs earned on the flight component (if applicable), the passenger who books the package will earn MQDs on the nonflight portion of the Total Package Price based on the following:
- 如果所有旅客的航班尊爵会资格美元消费(MQD)都适用上述航班选项1进行计算:No additional nonflight MQDs earned.
- 如果所有乘客的航班尊爵会资格美元消费(MQD)都适用上述航班选项2进行计算:The number of additional nonflight MQDs earned by the lead booker = Total Package Price – (sum of all passengers’ Exception Fares).
- If no flight is attached to the booking, only the lead booker earns nonflight MQDs equivalent to the Total Package Price.
- If a SkyMiles Member pays for a Delta Vacations package using miles, the calculation listed above will not apply. Instead, members paying with miles will earn 1 MQD for every 100 Delta miles redeemed on a Delta Vacations booking. If payment is split between miles and other forms of payment, the portion paid using cash or other similar forms of payment will earn MQDs based on the calculation set forth above, and the mileage potion of the payment will earn MQDs at a rate of 1 MQD per 100 miles. Terms and conditions of mileage redemption apply; for full terms, visit Use Miles.
- 此计算方法不适用于8人或以上套餐(“团队套餐”)。对于团体套餐,每位乘客只有资格根据特殊票价政策赢取套票航班部分的尊爵会资格美元消费(MQD)。
- 通常情况下,向“飞凡里程常客计划”会员帐户发放尊爵会资格美元消费(MQD)和里程将取决于达美何时收到与符合资格的购买有关的信息。For Delta Vacations miles and MQDs, please allow up to 8 weeks after completion of a Delta-marketed flight for flight miles and MQDs to be deposited in SkyMiles account and 8 weeks after completion of eligible car rental or hotel stay for miles and MQDs to be deposited in SkyMiles account. 对于未消费的套票部分,预订中的乘客无法赢取任何尊爵会资格美元消费(MQD)。