Dive Into The Heart Of Hawaii Oahu is popularly known among locals as ‘The Gathering Place’ — due to 80% of Hawaii’s population resides on Oahu, plus it’s been the seat of power since ancient Hawaiian times.The island's Aloha Spirit is peppered with vibrant
里诺-太浩湖国际机场交通 如果您驾车前往机场,可在机场附近的互通式立交驶入I-80和I-395高速。 也可在机场搭乘出租车或选择Uber和Lyft等拼车服务,从机场前往大多数大型酒店仅需10分钟车程。 在主候机楼外即可看到汽车租赁区域,那里有众多汽车租赁服务供您选择。 机场的公共交通服务由City Bus提供,地点就位于行李提取处外面。
to the Parker Ranch Center in Waimea, one of the largest cattle ranches in the country.Here, everyone will enjoy wagon rides, and learn the ways of the paniolo (Hawaiian cowboy).Other must-see activities include viewing the 442-foot Akaka Falls and the 80
to the Parker Ranch Center in Waimea, one of the largest cattle ranches in the country.Here, everyone will enjoy wagon rides, and learn the ways of the paniolo (Hawaiian cowboy).Other must-see activities include viewing the 442-foot Akaka Falls and the 80
to the Parker Ranch Center in Waimea, one of the largest cattle ranches in the country.Here, everyone will enjoy wagon rides, and learn the ways of the paniolo (Hawaiian cowboy).Other must-see activities include viewing the 442-foot Akaka Falls and the 80
洛杉矶几乎没有潮湿天气,全年气温都在70华氏度到80华氏度的范围内变化,使一年中的几乎每一天都是拍摄电影的好天气。 如果您从未到洛杉矶来亲身近距离体验美丽的海滩、摇曳的棕榈树、著名的好莱坞标志,那么您从银幕所见原非它们迷人风情的全貌。无论您在一年中的何时到访洛杉矶,都应该争取看一看卡梅伦‧克罗(Cameron Crowe)眼中的世界,并在“浮华城”好莱坞留影纪念。