这座首府城市位于著名的新奥尔良市西北方约80英里处,深谙如何放松心情,享乐休闲。这座城市拥有众多宣扬克利奥尔文化的现场音乐表演场地,您不妨前往这里的蓝调或爵士乐俱乐部,随着音乐旋律打起节拍。您不妨到访The Roux House,聆听凯金音乐缔造的生活旋律。 放轻松,别紧张 路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)为塑造巴吞鲁日的独特个性起到了举足轻重的作用。这所大学拥有艺术、自然科学、自然历史和乡村生活博物馆,分别藏有各领域的精美手工艺品,在这里消磨您的一天再合适不过了。
如果器材的总重超过50磅,或线性尺寸超过80英寸(203厘米),需缴纳特殊行李费用。 标枪/跳杆 允许运送标枪和撑杆,但往返/途经都柏林机场(DUB)或阿姆斯特丹机场(AMS)的航班除外。撑杆的长度没有限制,但对于线性尺寸超过80英寸(203厘米)的撑杆将收取超大行李费用。
Nuremberg.Raise a stein at the Hofbrauhaus, one of Munich’s oldest breweries, which was founded in 1589.Watch the charming Glockenspiel on the neo-Gothic New Town Hall in Marienplatz that chimes and reenacts stories from the 16th century.Visit a few of the more than 80
Nuremberg.Raise a stein at the Hofbrauhaus, one of Munich’s oldest breweries, which was founded in 1589.Watch the charming Glockenspiel on the neo-Gothic New Town Hall in Marienplatz that chimes and reenacts stories from the 16th century.Visit a few of the more than 80
尊爵会员资格      里程* 钻石卡 所奖励里程的120% 白金卡 所奖励里程的80% 金卡 所奖励里程的60% 银卡 所奖励里程的40%
Take your pick of cycling paths and coastal byways that are perfect for exploration.Favorite destinations include the Golden Circle, Mount Esja and Úlfarsfell Mountain.Farther afield, Laugavegur, Iceland's popular 88-mile hiking trail, connects the nature
Take your pick of cycling paths and coastal byways that are perfect for exploration.Favorite destinations include the Golden Circle, Mount Esja and Úlfarsfell Mountain.Farther afield, Laugavegur, Iceland's popular 88-mile hiking trail, connects the nature
Dive Into The Heart Of Hawaii Oahu is popularly known among locals as ‘The Gathering Place’ — due to 80% of Hawaii’s population resides on Oahu, plus it’s been the seat of power since ancient Hawaiian times.The island's Aloha Spirit is peppered with vibrant