座椅宽度/倾斜度 18英寸/35英寸 46厘米/89厘米 经济舱 219个座位   座椅宽度/倾斜度 18 in/31-32 in 46厘米/79-81
座椅宽度/倾斜度 18英寸/35英寸 46厘米/89厘米 经济舱 168个座位   座椅宽度/倾斜度 18 in/31-32 in 46厘米/79-81
$400 in resort coupons broken down as follows: $200 toward spa services (four coupons of $40 and two of $20); $120 toward a romantic dinner (two coupons of $40 and two of $20); $80 toward bottles of wine at any of the restaurants (eight coupons of $10).
$400 in resort coupons broken down as follows: $200 toward spa services (four coupons of $40 and two of $20); $120 toward a romantic dinner (two coupons of $40 and two of $20); $80 toward bottles of wine at any of the restaurants (eight coupons of $10).
Ed Bastian, Chief Executive Officer 供应商行为规范 达美航空致力于秉承最高的安全、客户服务、道德行为和环保标准。
“飞凡里程常客计划”会员专享 - 仅限CLEAR会员资格定价,包括: 尊爵会钻石籍会员免费 尊爵会白金籍、金籍和银籍会员以及指定“飞凡里程常客计划”信用卡会员79美元 普通会员99美元 立即加入CLEAR。需遵守适用条款。 需遵守所有“飞凡里程常客计划”活动的规则。
百慕大大约80%的食物都是进口的,因此订餐时最重要的是寻找本地食材。当然,像龙虾、螃蟹、牡蛎、贻贝、红鲷、石斑鱼、金枪鱼和刺鲅等海鲜都质量上乘,大可一试。当地农民也种植了新鲜时蔬和水果。 饭后一定要喝一杯朗姆甜酒或者“黑暗风暴”,这两种都是在百慕大深受欢迎的饮料。
百慕大大约80%的食物都是进口的,因此订餐时最重要的是寻找本地食材。当然,像龙虾、螃蟹、牡蛎、贻贝、红鲷、石斑鱼、金枪鱼和刺鲅等海鲜都质量上乘,大可一试。当地农民也种植了新鲜时蔬和水果。 饭后一定要喝一杯朗姆甜酒或者“黑暗风暴”,这两种都是在百慕大深受欢迎的饮料。
Return travel to Seattle may begin September 8-20 and October 3-December 31, 2018, and all travel must be completed by December 31, 2018. Seattle to Tokyo-Narita: Travel to Tokyo-Narita may begin September 20-December 1, 2018.
The Mirage, Mezzanine 2, #13 Chiromo Road, Westlands Nairobi, Kenya 1939-00100 电话:254-20-259-7800 254-20-444-5500/5504/5505 传真:254-20-