Paramount+ Terms and Conditions

24 Hour Onboard Streaming Access

Up to 24 hours free trial access of Paramount+ available to registrants with active Delta U.S. SkyMiles account who are at least 18 years of age, traveling on Delta flights originating in the U.S.  Must register and create a Paramount+ account and agree to Paramount + Terms of Use.  Free trial access ends on the earlier of (1) expiration of a 24-hour period from first access to Paramount+, or (2) attempting to access the service from outside the U.S.  Up to 24-hour trial access is not a one-time offer and will be available each time the SkyMiles Member travels on a qualifying flight and logs into Paramount+ while on the flight, up to 23 times in a calendar year. 为享受本次免费试用而创建的Paramount+帐户不会自动订阅付费服务。免费试用权限仅限于美国本土及其领土,不包括波多黎各。

遵循所有“飞凡里程常客计划”的活动规则。如需查看相关规则,请访问计划规则页面。合作伙伴提供的优惠需遵从每一项优惠活动的规则与条款。优惠可能随时会变更,并且可能随时被修改、暂停或终止而不另行通知。法律禁止的优惠无效。可能受限于其他限制。Paramount+和达美有权自行判定是否符合资格。Paramount+和达美有权审核和调查所有优惠活动,并针对疑似滥用、违规或欺诈的行为暂停帐户。Delta, SkyMiles and the Delta logo are registered service marks of Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta is not responsible for offers, goods or services offered by Paramount+.

Paramount+ 1,000 Bonus Miles Subscription Offer

此里程优惠仅限于年满18周岁的美国“飞凡里程常客计划”会员,且须直接从达美航空获得此优惠并通过网站订阅Paramount+付费服务。每个“飞凡里程常客计划”会员限领取一次。CC required, additional restrictions and terms apply.




This is a private, non-transferable offer, only intended for the recipient who receives this offer directly from Delta Air Lines by email (at an email address owned by the recipient) or through an alternate Delta communication method, and registers through the Delta offer landing page. Available only to SkyMiles members with active Delta  U.S.  SkyMiles account who are at least 18 years of age. 此优惠仅适用于在注册时尚未订阅Paramount+的用户。里程将存入直接从达美航空公司收到此优惠的人士的帐户。每位“飞凡里程常客计划”会员仅可享受一次优惠。

SkyMiles Members must register and create a Paramount+ account and agree to Paramount + Terms of Use. SkyMiles number must be added during registration process. 参与此优惠活动即表示您同意Paramount+和达美航空共享您的信息,以便跟踪和将您的里程转至您的“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户。

Miscellaneous: All SkyMiles program rules apply. 如需查看相关规则,请访问计划规则页面。Bonus miles do not count toward Medallion or Million Miler Status. 合作伙伴提供的优惠需遵从每一项优惠活动的规则与条款。免费试用期到期后,请等待至多30个工作日,以便里程计入“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户。优惠可能随时会变更,并且可能随时被修改、暂停或终止而不另行通知。如优惠活动与相关法律冲突,则优惠无效。不能与其他优惠同时使用。可能受限于其他限制。Paramount+和达美有权自行判定是否符合资格。Paramount+和达美有权审核和调查所有优惠活动,并针对疑似滥用、违规或欺诈的行为暂停帐户。达美、“飞凡里程常客计划”和达美航空标志为达美航空有限公司的注册服务商标。达美航空公司不为Paramount+提供的优惠、商品或服务承担责任。