
Our Path to Sustainability

We aim to connect people to a more sustainable future of travel. Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 for our airline operations is our ultimate goal. But the global aviation industry is a hard-to-abate sector, meaning it is innately difficult to decarbonize. Our multi-pronged approach focuses on improving the efficiency of our fleet, innovating aircraft operations, and increasing the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to reduce our emissions.

In the short term, we are working to transition to a more fuel-efficient fleet and enhancing operational efficiency. Longer-term efforts include replacing a growing proportion of traditional jet fuel with SAF and collaborating with innovators to revolutionize aviation.

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our flight operations. We are working to reduce waste and offer more sustainable products to our customers, to minimize the environmental impact of our ground operations, and to engage our supply chain in these efforts.


Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is a key lever to decarbonizing flight, reducing lifecycle emissions from jet fuel by up to 80%. We aim to procure over 400 million gallons of SAF annually by the end of 2030, supporting our goal of 10% SAF utilization. In 2023, we saved a cumulative 21 million gallons of fuel compared to 2019 through measures such as enhanced flight routing, aircraft enhancements and onboard efficiencies.


We focus on building our fleet to improve fuel efficiency over time by upgauging our planes and replacing retiring aircraft with more fuel efficient next-gen models. 在2023,我们收到了43架飞机。平均而言,这些飞机的客运里程的燃油效率比自2019年之后退役的飞机高出28% 。As we continue this journey, we are partnering with aviation innovators that will forge the path for the next century of flight.

The Future of Flight

Launched in 2023年1月, the Delta Sustainable Skies Lab is a first-of-its-kind airline innovation lab focusing on research, design and testing to catalyze progress toward our climate goals. The Lab features ongoing work across Delta with the aim of helping to inspire and support disruptive industry innovation and scale known technology and actions to help reach Delta’s 2050 net-zero emissions goal.


Reducing waste and incorporating more products that are recyclable or biodegradable onboard our aircraft can help us reduce our environmental impact, enhance the customer experience, and improve our operations. To reduce plastic waste, in 2023, we began onboard testing of new paper cups, aiming to help eliminate nearly 7 million pounds of single-use plastics onboard annually once fully scaled across our flights.




查看我们的2023 ESG报告2023 ESG报告要点



The partners are exploring airport infrastructure and operational requirements to stand up hydrogen operations at the world’s busiest airport.

阅读更多详情:Delta joins ATL, Airbus, Plug Power in hydrogen fuel study 

This Earth month, we’re sharing how Delta is leading in efforts to bring together diverse stakeholders and coalitions, while advocating with local, state, and federal policymakers for the needed incentives to increase SAF production in the U.S.

阅读更多详情:Unlocking the potential of Sustainable Aviation Fuel through meaningful advocacy 

首席可持续发展官Amelia DeLuca分享了达美在努力实现总体环境可持续发展战略方面已经采取的一些方法,该战略旨在实现持久性的……


From welcoming back Amelia DeLuca to Delta’s Global Sustainability leadership team as CSO to continued initiatives to reduce emissions while spurring SAF production and reducing single-use-plastics on board, Delta continues to be a leader in sustainability in the aviation sector.


达美将于2023年12月开始在洲际航班上对新纸杯进行最后测试。This latest sustainability milestone underscores the airline’s commitment to innovation and progress. Pending testing, the new paper cups will be rolled out throughout Delta’s network.


达美是美国清洁航空燃料协会(Americans for Clean Aviation Fuels)的创始成员。该组织在成立后,采取了一项变革性的举措。

Read More: Delta leads diverse coalition to harness the economic power of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)

Through the GREATER MSP Partnership, Bank of America, Delta Air Lines, Ecolab and Xcel Energy have established the first large-scale SAF Hub in the U.S. with unparalleled collaboration among key players committed to scaling SAF production to replace conventional jet fuel.


8月1日起,Amelia DeLuca将回到达美的全球可持续发展团队,担任首席可持续发展官。达美承诺通过使我们航空公司的运营脱碳,在2050年之前实现净零排放。这依然是达美在开展业务过程中必须信守的承诺。

Read More: Amelia DeLuca to lead Delta’s net-zero journey as Chief Sustainability Officer


Read More: Tugs, tractors and belt loaders nearly all electric at two Delta hubs

达美将在2年时间内从Shell Aviation采购近1000万加仑纯SAF,以供洛杉矶国际机场的达美枢纽使用。这将使这家国际化航空公司加强对SAF的承诺(超过2亿加仑)——这使得“到2030年底时SAF在所使用的燃料量中占比10%”*这一目标已完成超过一半,并已顺利迈向“到2035年时 SAF占比35%”这一目标。

Read More: Delta, Shell Aviation SAF agreement to fuel LAX hub and accelerate aviation decarbonization

达美首席可持续发展官Pam Fletcher概述了公司在2050年之前实现净零排放和更具可持续性的旅行方面的大胆策略,包括扩大可持续燃料市场、革新未来的机队、解决一次性塑料、促进净零供应链。

Read More: A ‘business imperative’: 达美绘制通过更具可持续性旅行的路线图




注意: 自2009年以来,达美每年出版一份企业责任报告(CRR)。如需获取往年报告(2018之前的CRR),请联系sustainability@delta.com



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