3 Days Only–Award Deals to Europe

Europe is waiting. For 3 days only, make the most of your miles and score great deals to trending destinations in France, Germany, Italy and more. 优惠于2025年1月30日截止。显示的票价为往返票价,可能需要支付额外的费用/行李费,并存在其他限制。

持卡会员通过delta.com和Fly Delta应用程序使用里程预订达美航班奖励旅行可享受15%优惠。The 15% miles discount will automatically be reflected in shopping and checkout.*1了解更多信息





某些航线的部分行程可能由达美联运航空承运,包括:Endeavor Air航空、Republic航空以及Skywest航空;达美快线承运商:Republic航空;天合联盟合作伙伴:西班牙欧洲航空公司、法国航空公司、艾尔连航空公司、Air One航空公司、Air One City Liner航空公司、不列特航空公司、中华航空公司、中国东方航空公司、中国南方航空公司、捷克航空公司、ITA航空公司、荷兰皇家航空公司和大韩航空公司;或达美代码共享合作伙伴:CAI Second航空公司、以法国航空公司名义运营的不列特航空公司、以法国航空公司名义运营的City Jet航空公司、夏威夷航空公司、以地平线航空公司名义运营的Horizon Air Industries航空公司、荷兰皇家CityHopper航空公司、LATAM Airlines、奥林匹克航空公司、Privilege Style航空公司、以法国航空公司名义运营的Regional CAE航空公司、上海航空公司、SwiftAir航空公司、维珍大西洋国际航空公司、维珍澳洲国际航空公司、以维珍澳洲航空公司名义运营的Virgin Australia Limited NZ航空公司、维尔姆航空公司和西捷航空公司。


资格要求:​Basic Delta SkyMiles Gold, Platinum and Reserve American Express Card Members, as well as Basic Delta SkyMiles Gold, Platinum and Reserve Business American Express Card Members (each, an “Eligible Card”), can get at least a fifteen percent (15%) discount off the mileage portion of an Award Ticket (the “TakeOff 15” benefit). 其他卡的持卡会员无此资格。


“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户必须拥有购买整张奖励机票的充足里程余额。TakeOff 15礼遇不可与礼券、达美电子积分、达美礼品卡、代金券或任何其他折扣或促销优惠同时使用。

Award Ticket Taxes/Fees: ​Award Ticket taxes and fees include only U.S. excise and departure/arrival taxes, airport charges, segment fees, the 9月11日th Security Fee, and international taxes and fees normally included in the Award Ticket.

Award Ticket Cancellations and Changes: ​In the event of a voluntary cancellation of the Award Ticket to which the TakeOff 15 benefit was applied, redeemed miles will be redeposited into the Card Member’s SkyMiles account, except for Basic Economy tickets. 须收取目前的奖励机票回存费用。如票价规则中所述,取消基础经济舱机票将产生以里程计算的取消费。扣除取消费用后剩余的里程将重新存入持卡人的“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户。There is no discount applicable to the cancellation charge.​

如果在出票后改签奖励机票,折扣将应用于新奖励机票(如果符合条件),里程差额将从持卡人的“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户中扣除(如果新奖励机票所需的里程较多)或重新存入持卡会员的“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户(如果新奖励机票所需的里程较少)。基础经济舱机票不符合自愿改签的条件。在改签奖励机票时,“飞凡里程常客计划”会员必须是有效的达美“飞凡里程常客计划”美国运通金卡、白金卡或Reserve卡基础会员或达美“飞凡里程常客计划”美国运通商务金卡、白金卡或Reserve卡基础会员,改签后的奖励机票方可享受TakeOff 15礼遇。​

其他事项: ​All SkyMiles Program rules apply to SkyMiles Program membership, miles, offers, mile accrual, mile redemption, and travel benefits. 如需查看相关规则,请访问计划规则页面。“飞凡里程常客计划”计划和优惠在法律禁止的情况下无效,条款如有更改,恕不另行通知。其它限制条件适用。​

SkyMiles General: ​All SkyMiles program rules apply to SkyMiles program Membership, miles, offers, mile accrual, mile redemption, and travel benefits. 要查看这些规则,请访问delta.com/Memberguide。如法律禁止,则优惠无效。优惠可能发生变更,恕不另行通知。Other restrictions apply.


Eligibility: ​Basic Delta SkyMiles Gold, Platinum and Reserve American Express Card Members, as well as Basic Delta SkyMiles Gold, Platinum and Reserve Business American Express Card Members (each, an “Eligible Card”), can get at least a fifteen percent (15%) discount off the mileage portion of an Award Ticket (the “TakeOff 15” benefit). Additional Card Members are not eligible.  ​

Available only if entire itinerary is on Delta and Delta Connection® carrier-operated and ticketed flights booked at delta.com or the FlyDelta app. 不适用于其他承运商运营的航班。不适用于“使用里程支付”、“里程+现金”、初始航班预订后购买的座位升级或其他达美产品或服务。折扣仅适用于奖励机票票价的里程部分,且不适用于必须使用合资格信用卡支付的适用税费。持卡会员必须登录到与符合条件的信用卡关联的“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户,方可享受15%优惠礼遇。 里程折扣将大于或等于奖励机票整个里程部分的15%。奖励机票是达美根据“飞凡里程常客计划”规则签发的机票,“飞凡里程常客计划”会员可凭此兑换里程并支付适用的政府征收的税费,以换取航空客运服务。All Award Ticket rules apply, as set forth on delta.com and in the specific terms incorporated into your Award Ticket. Award Travel is defined as travel using an Award Ticket. Award Travel seats are limited and may not be available on all flights or in all markets. ​

“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户必须拥有购买整张奖励机票的充足里程余额。TakeOff 15 benefit is not combinable with certificates, Delta eCredits, Delta Gift Cards, vouchers, or with any other discounts or promotional offers.   ​

Award Ticket Taxes/Fees: ​Award Ticket taxes and fees include only U.S. excise and departure/arrival taxes, airport charges, segment fees, the 9月11日th Security Fee, and international taxes and fees normally included in the Award Ticket.  ​ 

Award Ticket Cancellations and Changes: ​In the event of a voluntary cancellation of the Award Ticket to which the TakeOff 15 benefit was applied, redeemed miles will be redeposited into the Card Member’s SkyMiles account, except for Basic Economy tickets. 须收取目前的奖励机票回存费用。如票价规则中所述,取消基础经济舱机票将产生以里程计算的取消费。扣除取消费用后剩余的里程将重新存入持卡人的“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户。There is no discount applicable to the cancellation charge.   ​

如果在出票后改签奖励机票,折扣将应用于新奖励机票(如果符合条件),里程差额将从持卡人的“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户中扣除(如果新奖励机票所需的里程较多)或重新存入持卡会员的“飞凡里程常客计划”帐户(如果新奖励机票所需的里程较少)。 基础经济舱机票不符合自愿改签的条件。SkyMiles Member must be an active Basic Delta SkyMiles, Gold, Platinum or Reserve American Express Card Member or Basic Delta SkyMiles Gold, Platinum or Reserve Business American Express Card Member at time that the Award Ticket is changed to be eligible for the TakeOff 15 benefit on the changed Award Ticket. ​

Miscellaneous: ​All SkyMiles Program rules apply to SkyMiles Program membership, miles, offers, mile accrual, mile redemption, and travel benefits. 如需查看相关规则,请访问计划规则页面。“飞凡里程常客计划”计划和优惠在法律禁止的情况下无效,条款如有更改,恕不另行通知。Other restrictions apply. ​

SkyMiles General: ​All SkyMiles program rules apply to SkyMiles program Membership, miles, offers, mile accrual, mile redemption, and travel benefits. To review the rules, please visit delta.com/Memberguide. Offers are void where prohibited by law. 优惠可能发生变更,恕不另行通知。其它限制条件适用。